IMPORTANT INFO - Please read
We can’t wait to welcome you to the OVO Arena Wembley. Our number one priority is making sure your visit is as safe and fun as possible.
Before attending an event at our venue please read all of the information on this event page. If there's any event specific information you need to know, we'll update you here.
Please remember, we don’t have any cloakrooms in our venue and for security reasons all adult backpacks or rucksacks of any size and any other bags larger than 40 x 35 x 19 cm aren’t allowed.

The Altar
The Altar
The Altar
All roads lead to the OVO Arena Wembley for one of the most anticipated worship events in the U.K. church calendar this year. Dubbed ‘The Altar’, the strap line for the night ‘Rekindling the passion of worship’ speaks to the vision for the night: thousands in passionate, heartfelt worship of God. Worship on the night will be led by Sinach, Dunsin Oyekan, Nathaniel Bassey, Tim Hughes, Chevelle Franklin, Called Out Music, Lucy Grimble and Arinola.
The visionary behind The Altar, UK pastor Agu Irukwu, had this to say: ‘it is a God idea, and it is God’s time. I am excited about what can happen when there is a passionate and sincere corporate outpouring of worship on this scale. God never fails to respond to worship from hearts that are hungry and thirsty for Him. As we build an altar with our worship, I am certain God will respond. We are praying for worshippers to have life changing encounters with God, for people to be healed and for the Lord to touch our communities and cities. We are desperate for a move of God, and I feel that this could be one of the triggers for something special in the Church here in the UK.’
For more information visit
Follow @thealtaruk on all social media platforms.